Does your dog destroy the house when you leave? Chew on shoes or furniture? Does your cat urinate in the house? These are common problems seen in veterinary medicine, and the doctors and animal behaviorist staff at Cleveland Road Animal Hospital are here to help.
Separation Anxiety
If your dog destroys your furniture, or urinates/defecates in the house when you leave, the cause may be related to his or her stress. We can help identify the problem and recommend environmental changes and/or medication depending on the underlying issue.
Feline House Soiling:
Your cat urinating or defecating outside of the litter box can be a frustrating condition and you may quickly find yourself losing patience. There are ways to remedy this situation but appropriate veterinary care is needed. Inappropriate urination is the leading cause of cats being relinquished to shelters. “… 66 percent of owners think that cats act out of spite,” says Ilona Rodan, DVM, DABVP (F), medical director and founder of AAHA-accredited Cat Care Clinic in Madison, Wisconsin. “Nothing could be further from the truth.”
If your cat is urinating outside of the litter box, the first step is to see a veterinarian to rule out a serious medication condition such as bladder stones, a urinary tract infection, or urinary obstruction.
Stress is a common cause of feline house soiling and there are numerous treatment options depending on your cat’s stressors.
What to Do With Complex Behavior Cases
For complex behavior cases, we work closely with the amazing team at The Behavior Clinic. Dr. Feltes and her team of behavior experts at The Behavior Clinic offer comprehensive and proven methods to help you in training your pet and solving unwanted behavior problems. All of the doctors at CRAH and The Behavior Clinic team are happy to discuss your behavior or training concerns and will work hard to help you solve your pet’s behavior problems or training challenges.
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